Welcome to the October 2016 salary and bonus survey, the first in our new combined format which we hope will make things clearer and easier to read. As before, hover your mouse over the points on the charts to see the underlining data.

This survey was taken during October 2016 and has been subject to our usual data smoothing formula (which, in summary, is the top and bottom 5% removed, currencies converted to GBP £ and no allowances made for regional salary differences).



The data below shows the average low and average high salary for each of the roles.

Base salaries by role

Bonus payments

The following average bonus payments are made based on the same roles. This is the average  bonus payment as a percentage of the base salary.

Bonus %

Compensation (Base plus Bonus)

The following shows the base salary plus the typical bonus for the roles. This data shows the average salary for the role and the average bonus in GBP £ for the same role.

Average Base and Average Salary

Geographic source of data

The data for this month's survey was sourced from the following locations.

Where did the data come from?