Why people change jobs in Management Consulting

Every day we ask a lot of people in the management consulting world why they are looking to change their jobs. As a professional advisory firm of 14 years good standing, we like to think that people are confident in our reputation and skills in the area to be open and honest with us. Maybe even more so than their current (or even) future employers. After all, nobody would dream of turning up to an interview and saying "it's all about the money", or would they?

Well, after considering the meetings, interviews, forms and surveys over the last quarter, the answer is quite clear, money is important but it's not the reason the vast majority of people cite as their reason for changing jobs. 

So, what are those reasons?

It's really not some of the obvious ones you might first think of. It's not more money or a terrible boss. It's not because they are over (or even) under worked.

The number one reason for the 9th quarter in a row (that's how long we have been running this survey) is career advancement.

Now, this may sound obvious but it's not always the number one gripe you hear around the water cooler, is it?

Top reasons for changing job

* July-September 2016 Management Consulting work arena (UK/EMEA/ASIA)

Money, money, money

However, how many people got a pay rise when they last moved? Unsurprisingly, most people do but there are plenty of ways in which they see it.

The graph below shows what people got from their new jobs. Some got more than one of the following.

What job changers got when they changed jobs

* July-September 2016 Management Consulting work arena (UK/EMEA/ASIA)

Do you want to add your reasons to our next quarter's review?

Just fill out this form below and press submit. You won't get added to a mailing list or called but your opinion will be added to those that we collect in our normal / formal manner.