Position: Vice President                          

Location: London

Salary: £190k

Assignment timescale: 12 weeks

Result: Completed

Consulting Point has established a robust partnership with a prominent consulting firm headquartered in the United States. Our central aim revolved around discovering adept senior leaders, possessing extensive proficiency in the realm of life sciences. This expertise was to be coupled with a well-demonstrated history of proficient leadership, adeptness in revenue generation, and specialized acumen within their respective industries.

By means of a methodical and comprehensive procedure, our team meticulously evaluated a considerable reservoir of potential candidates. Each of these candidates displayed promising attributes that hinted at their seamless integration into the expanding team. After multiple introductions, we thoughtfully curated an exclusive shortlist of individuals. Each of these candidates went through exhaustive and thorough interview assessments.

Within this exceptional cohort of candidates, we pinpointed an extraordinarily fitting individual whose values resonated perfectly with the company's objectives and ambitions. Their progression through the selection process was expedited, courtesy of their exceptional credentials. Following the presentation of a compelling and competitive offer, the candidate embraced the opportunity with unwavering enthusiasm.

The response from our client has been resoundingly positive, as we introduced them to an impressive array of high-caliber individuals. As our collaboration advances, our unwavering goal remains fixed on attaining enduring success across their multifaceted business units, thereby fostering an enduring and prosperous partnership.


For further information:

If you would like to hear more about our services these were our lead consultants on this assignment.

If you are seeking talent in this area then we would welcome the chance to discuss this with you.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity in this area of similar, then get in touch.

Just click on their photo for their contact details.
