August 2017

August's figures see a continuing of the trend of cooling off of candidates expectations and a slight increase in employers offerings.  The big firms are still paying a premium for the best talent but the candidates continue to realign their salary requirements to the market conditions.

Highering firms have held firm on their salary offerings for most of this year and then paid a premium for the top talent, sometimes as much as 15% over advertised salaries. August follows July's trend for this. 

The innovative firms have adopted some extremely inventive initiatives to attract and develop a more diverse workforce. We will be implementing these programmes for them during the next 12 months and look forward to the 


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We have seen strong demand for staff all year, however, wage demands from people are actually falling.

This appears to be a readjustment on behalf of the job seekers and little to do with the salaries offered by hiring firms which remain very competitive.




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Reported bonuses and ‘revenue share’ schemes is defiantly down at the moment.

There is always a stronger reward for more sales activity but a slow down in certain areas is having a negative effect on these payments.




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Total compensation remains in line with current market conditions in a mid-year / summer holidays period.

Demand is high for staff and we are currently seeing some very interesting initiatives from firms to benefit from creating a more diverse workplace.



Interim Day Rate

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Interim / Associate consultant demand continues to grow.  The rates are quite steady this month but the volume has increased.

This increase is likely to result in a shortage, which as we have all seen in the past, can drive rates upward.


Where did our data come from?

The data for this month’s survey results was gathered from 2401 people and 96 firms.

Our normal smoothing was applied which includes removing the top and bottom 5% of data converting as input data to UK £ Sterling.

Exchange rate: 31/7/17

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