Gender Split Report - Management Consultants in the Middle East

The following is an executive summary of our Gender Split report for January 2020 in the Middle East region.

The data is based on 6,018 professionals in the region that are in Management Consulting roles.

Whilst there remains at an average split of 80/20 male/female split for professionals in region as a whole, a closer look at the different countries we looked at show a variance.

For comparison, we also include a summary of the gender split in the UK and Europe.

Gender split in the UK and Europe for comparision

Where we sourced our MENA data from

Finally, a summary comment around what employees value in the region.

Money comes out on top, whilst Job Security is bottom.


If you would like to know more or have any questions around this report, it’s content was created by our research team for the consultant opposite.

January 2020
