EU - Salary Data - August 2021

The following chart shows the average low and high base salaries for the standard consulting grades.

2021 has seen an increase in demand for management consultants with a causal increase in salaries. Consulting Point predicts a steady, continued rise in base salaries in the EU region for the remainder of the year as consulting firms attempt to attract and retain top talent. 

The winners will be the consulting firms that are able to react rapidly, with a flexible reward structure. Organisations that continue to adhere to rigid pay structures, reliant on brand recognition and market prestige, will continue to attract talent at junior levels, while missing out on senior personnel, in comparison to their more agile competitors. 

The following report also presents the salary information for Germany and France.

Hover mouse over charts for details.

EU -Permanent Base Salaries (shown in EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

EU - Average Bonus payments

The following chart shows the average, low and high bonuses given for the grades shown.

Reported bonuses are low to non-existent at the lower grades and very attractive at the higher grades.

Again, like other areas, Big 4 firms are not being competitive and are slow to react to market trends.

EU - Average Annual Bonus (EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

EU - Total Compensation

The following chart shows the average low and high total compensation (base salary plus annual bonus) for the grades shown.

EU - Total Compensation (EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

EU-Salary difference between firms

There are significant variations in management consulting firms' salary structures in Europe. Consulting Point have chosen three categories to highlight the spectrum of salaries. 

​* Due to the differences in grade names/job titles at various consulting firms, the chart is included as a visual indication of the differences and only a deep-dive of the background data should be used for formal salary validation.

EU -Salary differences by types of firms (EUR)

Average salary shown converted to EUR and based on closest job title/grade

Germany - Salary Data

The below chart shows the average, low and high, for base salaries across Germany.

German base salaries continue to be slightly higher than the European average, with certain locations, such as Munich, being understandably higher.

Germany - Base Salary (EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

Germany - Average Bonus payments

The following chart shows the average, low and high bonuses given for the grades shown.

Like the rest of Europe, reported bonuses are low to non-existent at the lower grades and very attractive at the higher grades.

Again, like other areas, Big 4 firms are not being competitive and are slow to react to market trends.

Germany - Average bonus payment (EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

Germany - Total Compensation

The below chart shows the average, low and high, for compensation packages (base salary + annual bonus/equity) across Germany.

Germany - Total Compensation (EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

Germany - Salary difference between firms

There are significant variations in management consulting firms' salary structures in Germany. Consulting Point have chosen three categories to highlight the spectrum of salaries. 

As there is a considerable difference in grade names/job titles at the various consulting firms (boutique firms v top-tier), the chart is included as a visual indication, any thorough validation of the salary ranges will require a further ‘deep-dive’ of the background data.

Germany - Salary difference by firm (EUR)

Average salary shown converted to EUR and based on closest job title/grade

France - Salary Data

The below chart shows the average, low and high, for base salaries across France. 

France - Base Salary (EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

France - Average Bonus payments

The below chart shows the average, low and high, for base salaries across France. 

France, like Germany, has slightly higher salaries across the board compared to the wider European market. Again, like Germany, major Cities such as Paris have c. 5-6% premium at the lower grades and over 11% increases at the higher grades with well-known firms.

Overall, the market is extremely buoyant but weighted towards experienced hires with great networks.

France - Average Bonus payments (EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

France - Total Compensation

The following chart shows the average, low and high bonus given for the grades shown.

Like the rest of Europe, reported bonuses are low to non-existent at the lower grades and very attractive at the higher grades.

Again, like other areas, Big 4 firms are not being competitive and slow to react to market trends.

France - Total Compensation (EUR)

Salary is shown in EUR per annum.

France - Salary difference between firm

There are significant variations in management consulting firms' salary structures in France. Consulting Point have chosen three categories to highlight the spectrum of salaries. 

As there is a considerable difference in grade names/job titles at the various consulting firms (boutique firms v top-tier), the chart is included as a visual indication, any thorough validation of the salary ranges will require a further ‘deep-dive’ of the background data.

France - Salary difference between firm (EUR)

Average salary shown converted to EUR and based on closest job title/ grade

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