Welcome to our June 2018 management consulting salary report. Market conditions continue to be buoyant and is reflected in a slight rise in salaries across the board. However, salaries seem stagnant in the larger firms and the growth is coming from the boutique to mid-size firms that are benefiting from a reported downturn in satisfaction from career options at the larger firms. 

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The survey comprises of ‘live’ data from our internal knowledge base, our latest survey and relates to 2,119 relevant consultants at the job grades indicated. The data gathered was ‘smoothed’ with our normal method of removing the top and bottom 5% and any data that was more than 22% of the high and low averages. All results were converted back to GBP £ Sterling (exchange rate at 1/6/2018). More detailed or specific information is available from your Account Manager.

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If you are new to reading this chart then here is the summary of what we are showing you.

The RED line on the graph represents the average salaries that our clients have been offering salaries for new position during a particular month.

The WHITE line on the graph respresents the average salaries that the potential candidates for those roles were seeking, during the same month peroid.

The GREY DOTS represent the salary that the successfull candidate secured roles at.

Seen across this broad spectrum of hiring firms, industries and service lines it clearly shows that for the last 2 years, job seekers are looking for a lot more money than firms want to pay. However, firms are prepared to pay more than avergage to hire the people they want. 

If we could show you this data for any single firm in isolation (which we can't without breaking confidentialty) then you would clearly see how effective their hiring strategy was working. This combined with message, brand and opportunity let's them understand what they need to do to secure the best talent.


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